Field Day A Success!
By Brandon Kraft, 02/28/22, 9:00AM CST
55 adult and youth volunteers helped Delwood prepare for Spring 2022
Approximately 55 volunteers—adults and youth alike—came together for the Parent/Caregiver Volunteer Day at the Delwood fields.
The group fixed up a variety of things:
- Spread seeds and fertilizer on fields 1, 2, and 3.
- Cleaned all the grass from the mounds, infield, baselines, and home plate area on fields 1 & 2.
- Cleaned weeds out of baselines and home plate area on field 3.
- Set based for 6U on fields 1 & 2.
- Painted small bleachers, scorer’s table, and one dugout plus a kid painted bench in the other on field 1.
- Painted scorer’s table on field 2.
- Picked up trash all around facility.
- Picked up leaves in Field 1/front area.
- Weed eating around field fence lines and in both batting cages.